4th Transportation Command, Newport Terminal, Saigon 1970
The 4th Transportation Command arrived in Vietnam in August 1965 and initially had control over units transferring the personnel and cargo, operating terminals, carrying out logistical over-the-shore operations and supporting amphibious operations. It had control over all 1st Logistical Command tranportation assets.
The 4th TC started operating the Saigon Port complex in 1966 and the newly built US Army Newport terminal in 1967.
This photo series takes place in 1970. The war was slowly winding down, and racial tensions were often encountered, especially amongst rear echelon troops. The black soldier wears a "Bro Thorne" name tape, which can be taken as an "I'm Black and I'm proud" statement. He proudly displays a Black Panthers pennant sent from home. We have chosen to show him goofing around with white buddies, although this sittuation is perhaps not highly realistic for a radical Black Panther. Two of the men wear the 4th Transportation Command shoulder sleeve insignia, while the younger one wears the 1st Logistical Command SSI.